Showing compositional techniques


I took this shot from a low angle tilting upwards, I had to lower my ISO as I was shooting outdoors and was looking upwards, so there is a lot of light meaning the white balance would be too light and I wouldn't capture a detailed shot of the building. I also shot it in landscape as the building is quite wide and I wanted to get as much of that in as possible.
for this shot I raised the shutter speed to 1 second in order to blur out the motion of the cars and to generate a shallow depth of field with a golden ratio as the Y statue is framed  in the centre while the lower third of the image is the blurred cars
for this shot I initially wanted to take it as a portrait however felt I would capture less depth and focus too much on the people, I also lowered my aperture but raised my shutter speed as I wanted a really nice shot of them walking that was clear and not blurry
For this i needed a mount as I needed it level with the water, so I had to improvise and use a stone as no tripod even handheld would be able to get it low enough for the desired effect, I also had to lower my shutter speed to get a sharp image of the splash and to ensure I get the right one i changed the setting so it took multiple shots per click so i would have a range of shots to choose from

here I shot from a lower angle and had to lower the ISO as it was a bright day and I wanted a dynamic shot, though I wished the car wasn't there or the people I believe it adds a sense of realism to it
unfortunately I knew this shot wasn't going to be perfect no matter what as it is on a main road and has the traffic lights and lamp posts in, regardless I knew I could make it work as I wanted to make the colourful  flowers pop
