LO4 M4 - Metadata

Metadata is data that is specific to an item to give an insight an describe what the item is, in this case it is specific to a photo, so it will give an insight as to the name of the image, the copyright holder, a description of the image, the location it was shot at, the time and date it was taken and the file name. This is all great for allowing people to protect their work by making it clear as to who took the photo and the date it was taken and location further give evidence that it is theirs and stops other from taking any credit for it.

EXIF data - this data is the more technical side of metadata as it looks into the settings used at the time of capture, the type of camera and the model, the lens used, so it is easy to specify exactly how the photo was captured and also how it has been edited, for example it will show for my shots that they were edited in Adobe Lightroom.

IPTC data - this data is focused more on the contents of the image, it is mostly used for copyright protection for your images but it also can be useful when searching through large databases for images as you can select specific items based on factors, for example you may categorise all of your shots into portrait/landscape, monochromatic/colour, the type of image like water, buildings, people, whether they're edited or not and as seen in Lightroom, you can organise them based in star rating.
